It has been an eventful week since arriving home. Seeing Papa again was precisely the lovely relief I imagined. We really did miss each other and bringing our little family back together again felt so right. Jet lag for the girl has been a bit brutal especially mingled with the above mentioned cold which we are still recovering from. But that was just a small price to pay for having the time at home with Grammy and Grandpa and our Telepciak family. Parting was made just a little bit easier knowing that Josie would be flying home with us for the week and that Tio Scotty would be arriving shortly after.
Thursday morning we got the joyous news that our good friends Shannon and Brandon had welcomed their little girl Havana into the world. We high tailed it to the hospital and spent time visiting and reveling in the absolute miracle that is a brand new baby only hours to this world. Rhea looked like the biggest most sturdy and advanced young lady next to little Havana and I almost expected her to get up and walk around the room to further assert herself as anything *but* a newborn (all things being relative as Havana was anything but little...weighing in at 8lbs 3 oz and looking like she was ready for all that life could throw at such a new being). By all
Friday morning was the first morning that we awoke feeling the affects of our cold (and I thanked my lucky stars that I had insisted on washing my hands numerous times at the hospital before holding that beautiful new baby...course at the time I was convinced the hospital was teeming with germs..hate to think I was actually the one carrying them around) but we rallied nonetheless and met up with Kelli and her girls and Naomi and Milo
Saturday was a day spent food shopping for Tio Scotty's surprise birthday dinner and bemoaning the rhinovirus. Though I was feeling increasingly crappy I didn't want to waste a moment of Joanna time and kept trying to soldier on. Dinner was amazing and I was hit with the reality that it was the first dinner party we have had since Christmas!! Unbelievable. It was good fun and so nice to see everyone.
Sunday we went to Nana and Grandpa's for lunch. It had been so long since we had seen them that I swallowed a couple of Tylenol, grabbed a box of Kleenex and continued to put one foot in front of the other. I'm so glad I was great for them to see Rhea and spend some time. All of the changes she has made, sometimes difficult for me to see as I am with her everyday, were marveled upon and celebrated. Though struggling with her own cold she was good natured and excited to be exploring her surroundings and showing off her new skills to her grandparents.
The rest of the week up until this point has been a blur of good food, lots of laughs and this lingering cold. Josie left late last night and we are both missing her...Rhea heard a door open this morning and turned her head quickly towards the spare bedroom with a huge smile as she was used to Joanna emerging from the other side of that door and smiling back. It was so nice to spend so much "down time" together. Just hanging out talking while playing with Rhea. It was a wonderful week and if I needed any reminding about how amazing Joanna is and how much I love her...our lazy days together would have been the perfect refresher. Of course no reminder was needed.

Yay! I'm so glad you guys are back. And it's been WAY too long since we've seen Rhea... can't wait to marvel at all her new things myself! Phew -- nice job pulling together an entire week in one post. Seems like we're in fast-forward mode all the time these days, doesn't it?
Rhea looks like a little biker chick in that picture - so cute! And Havannah... look at those sweet cheeks! Reminds me of Evelyn as a newborn.
... Yahoo.. a long-awaited entry is posted! Grammy and Grampa have gone thru Rhea withdrawal and can now catch up. You know, we still have the stroller and highchair :( almost as if we have them, Rhea is not so far - phooey! Ahh, well, Christmas is coming... :)
It was so exciting to have the family home! It felt like I was whole again....The I still couldn't believe how much Rhea had changed!! I always like having house guests especially when it is family. What a wonderful home coming it was.
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