Rhea and Grammy on the lookout for Grampa and Henry!

Rhea loves her Grampa! (Her Grammy too of course but something about her Grampa always makes her smile) So you can imagine her delight when she saw him working on the yard...

Come on down Rhea Sue! I could use you down here....

Grampa tries to put Rhea to work....

Huh? What's that thing?

No Grampa I think this grass is much more interesting! I have my own work to do here...

Yep...just as I thought....delicious.

Oh.....My.....God...soooooo cute!!
I just want to fly out and be with all of the family!!
Love Love Love
It looks so beautiful there, and Rhea looks so at home with her grandparents. Too bad we can't ALL be back there visiting!
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