"Oh crap ( insert expletive of your liking I'm keeping this blog rated G)...that looks dangerous...is she going to fall??? That shelf would really hurt...but look at her figuring out how to balance...she is really learning how to shift her weight...I can't believe she is only holding on with one hand...maybe I should get closer in case she falls...but if I get closer I could throw her off her game (believe me this happens)...If I hover too much will it interfere with her natural learning??...but if I don't intervene and she does smack her head won't that be my fault for not assessing the situation as potentially dangerous...but then how dangerous is a bumped head really??...Ok now she is eating the books...can she actually get anything off or will she just get them wet...Oh crap I think she got a piece off!"...and on and on until the break of dawn.
She seems to have a "taste" for the text books and I like to imagine her absorbing some of the pearls of wisdom held within. Graduate school, at the very least, produced some ridiculously overpriced baby toys.
This was my favorite pick of hers as it just seems so darn appropriate. Good old child development.
"Sense of self begins to develop, based on feelings of self-efficacy (a beginning sense of feeling control over action and communication with caregivers), and self-esteem, when the infant feels successful at accomplishing a goal. The development of a positive sense of self is strongly related to responsive caregiving (6-12 months +)"
Man...no pressure or anything. Her sense of self is being determined right now...as we speak...(well not exactly right now because she is sound asleep for her nap) but in those book balancing moments and the other little tasks she dreams up for herself every day. Also in our interactions with one another and how well I can meet her needs and read all her cues. The good news is that all this boils down to is just being present and attentive. Allowing her increasing freedom, in a safe and contained environment, so that she might try things and learn how to both succeed and fail. I do believe we are achieving this balance with one another.
I mean though she beat me to the enormous dead fly on the window sill earlier today...I did managed to swipe it out of her mouth before she swallowed it.
I mean though she beat me to the enormous dead fly on the window sill earlier today...I did managed to swipe it out of her mouth before she swallowed it.
Ah! Who would have known those books would have come in handy for so many various and important uses! Not to mention that they would have been looked at again after grad school! I for one never thought I'd see / re-read some of those developmental stages again, no less on my sister's blog. Wait a minute. Who thought my sister would ever have a blog!
A future librarian? entomologist? Paula, this new focus of Rhea's daily exploration will keep you busy so that she can zero in on another bug or ... :) :)
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