Saturday, January 2, 2010

Nourishing Mama....

It begins tomorrow. My new pact with myself (and my good friend Shannon) that I'm taking time to get myself a little more back to...well...myself. This is not a New Years resolution nor is this simply about dropping the extra "baby weight" I am carrying.

This is about taking care of myself so that I can better take care of those around me.

It is so important to me that I model positive behavior for my children. But as a mother of a little girl, I am especially mindful that my own strengths, weaknesses, hang-ups, body issues...god you name it...can become a direct pipeline to my baby girl's developing psyche. With the rest of this world giving her ridiculous information about women and their bodies I know that I need to be careful I don't unwittingly reinforce the message.

So the F word is banned in the house (Ask Auntie Mary she will tell fat talk in these parts). Compliments are accepted graciously without self effacing disclaimers (not easy sometimes). And we are generous with each other in noticing and celebrating our accomplishments. For the most part.

I am posting this here not only because of the public accountability factor but also to remind myself of why it is important for me to feel back in the strength of my body. This is not about reaching a certain size but about reclaiming that physically strong and active person I had been for so many years and introducing her to the Mama I have become. It's about bringing the best of both of these parts together for myself and for my girl.

1 comment:

grammy said...

... and a good resolution for all of us. Dad and I are going to try to improve our "images, too." And we'll be rooting for you ladies!!