Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Summer Solstice

Things have been so full and busy here in the land of all things Rhea Sue, it seems we have been spending our time living life and less time writing about it. Funny, even in saying that, it is hard to really pinpoint what we have been so busy never ceases to amaze me how just watching our girl grow can be so all encompassing. That said, I don't want to miss recording all of our adventures however small, as I have found that one of the unexpected joys of writing this blog is sifting back through memories to pull out the brightest moments.

One of those memories that is blazing bright right now, is the Summer Solstice Baby Blessing that Rhea and I attended last Thursday. It took place in the magical (now I know magical is a strong adjective but you would have to know this home, and its owner, to know that I'm not being too freewheeling with my descriptions here) home of our most amazing Doula Catherine. Catherine lives up in the hills of Mill Valley in a home that was built by her parents in the 60's. This home has all of the hallmarks of everything I love in a structure...intriguing mid century architecture, a quiet and secluded setting, and the feel of a “family home”...a place where you know you are always welcome just as you are...even to pop by...and there will be a smiling face that is happy to see you and wants to feed you a delicious homebaked something or another. Sound too good to be true? I think that myself every time I find myself in Catherine's presence.

Now I imagine that some of you are thinking "Summer Solstice Baby Blessing!!! What the???” I have to admit it is one of those things that my pre-Mama self might not have embraced nor understood. I will even admit that I was still a little unsure on my drive across the bridge what I would encounter when I got there....I knew there would be a circle and blessings but I wondered how I would fit into it all this...being just a tiny bit skeptical of something so "groovy". But it was wonderful...and I will do my best to describe what I encountered...

The Summer Solstice delivered a beautiful bright sunshiny day. Catherine, her usual stunning earth mama self, had gone all out to transform her already comfortable home into a place deserving of the babies there to be acknowledged. Giant comfy floor pillows laid out in a circle, a hammock to rock babies in, a spread of food like you can't even imagine and in the center of it all a circle of candles laid on top of beautiful fabric. It was incredibly welcoming and held the air of a place in which something special was about to happen. Yet perhaps the most significant thing Catherine had done, was the act of gathering all of these Mama's and babies together (and even a couple Papa's) to actively recognize and rejoice in the new lives we had brought into the world and to create an opportunity to give thought to and articulate our hopes and dreams for our children.

We went around the room and each person had a chance to share what they hoped for their child, the world, whatever it was that felt most important to them. People shared on varying levels and there were many wishes for strong, happy, and healthy children and a world deserving of them. I began my blessing for Rhea by acknowledging she was named after her great grandmother and her grandmother certainly following a tradition of strong women. I found myself hoping for the basics of love and happiness but most significantly I found myself hoping that Rhea would always have a community of family and friends in which she felt accepted and safe and celebrated for who she is. I know that I have been blessed with this in my own life and hope to pass this on to my girl.

After someone had shared, we would all turn to the person and say “may it be so” affirming their hopes and dreams and joining with them in willing those hopes into fruition. Catherine would take a little bit of water (from a bowl that had been charging in the summer sun for three weeks) and touch the baby's head. This inevitably brought about some kind of reaction from the baby and general joy at that reaction from everybody else. When everyone had taken their turn sharing, Catherine passed around the bowl of water and we all took a sip passing it along to the next person..this completed the circle and signified the end of the ceremony. That afternoon got me thinking about the power of rituals and the role rituals can play in helping us feel more connected to others and even more connected to ourselves. There is something comforting and powerful in sharing a moment with others in a structured and conscious way.

This is a picture Catherine's son took...I love this picture because it captures some of the warmth of the day and of course because Hai Nhu and Evelyn are also in it (you can see little Rhea's head poking up from between my legs).

Following the blessings we all mingled and ate (and ate) and I for one felt the spirit of community and the comfort of like minded people. The weather continued to bring warmth and sunshine which allowed Rhea to have her first ever dip in a pool! (she really got into all that water blessing) She loved it even though the water was FREEZING! It was certainly a day to remember and a feeling I hope to hang onto for a very long time.


Hai-Nhu said...

Yep, that pretty much sums up my experience of it too -- that's one less blog entry for me! (just kidding.. still working on that one.) That's a nice summary of the blessing.. it was groovy for sure, but wonderful and hey, maybe we're just going to be a couple of groovy mamas after all...

Bert said...

What a wonderful decription of the event. It makes me feel as though I was there. I will be there for the next one for sure