Sunday, May 20, 2007

A sore gummed junkie

Sunday favorite morning of the week. Bert gets up with Rhea and lets me sleep the hour to two hour time period until her first nap. Then he brings me the bean and she snuggles in with me while I nurse her and get her to sleep. Which means that I not only get some much needed sleep but I also get to snuggle with my girl AND then get up and have a morning coffee in peace because she is asleep. Sunday morning's are glorious.

We have a reunion with our Bradley class this is the first time we have gotten together since all the babies have been born. I am really excited to meet all the little ones on the "outside" and hear everyone's story and experience of being new parents.

I have been suspecting that Rhea is teething (cranky, drooling, chewing on everything in sight) and if there was any doubt that this is the case, I think these pictures will speak a thousand words. Here she is with the bottle of her teething tablets...she actually starts smacking her lips when she hears the bottle shake....and I can tell you these babies do not taste all that good (I tried one) so I'm thinking they have to be soothing her on some level.


Anonymous said...

"these babies do not taste all that good (I tried one)"!? I guess you're talking about those teething tablets she's chewing on. You sure you tried one? I think they taste pretty good actually. Evelyn loves them too! I call them little marshmallows.

Paula P. said...

funny...I don't think they taste like much at all. But they do look like little marshmallows!

jennifer said...

I WAS going to say how cute the pictures are. They are by the way, but eating babies? Whats that all about. You people freak me out. Leave Rhea and Evelyn alone!!!