Thursday, May 17, 2007

Joining the mamablog ranks

It's official...honestly it could have been declared after so many other moves...the endless picture taking, the asking of Bert "do you really think she is as cute as we think she is...or are we blinded by love...I mean can we even look at her objectively" which he seriously replied that he thought we should send her picture to Gerber, the eager and happy purchase of a mini-van...but all of these choices and changes aside the single most decisive leap into all encompassing parenthood? The "Mama Loves Her Miraculous And Gifted Baby" Blog.

I found myself drawn to these blogs when I became pregnant and suddenly felt distracted and restless at work (not to mention sick, sick, really took three sicks for that one..who knew it could be so unpleasant). They helped me begin to bridge the unfathomable divide between freewheeling working lady to full time Mama...and provided countless hours of seemingly never ending procrastination...reading about how so and so survived morning sickness, labor and those first months of parenting....and the greatest reward for all those things was a miraculous and gifted baby.

So here it ode to all things Rhea and motherhood and parenthood...the good the less than good and the sometimes ugly (Referring to myself of course...Rhea never even comes close to sometimes ugly).

Of course I only expect my family and friends to read these postings...which takes some of the heat off this still often stumbling "mommy brain"...which for the record I would like to state is a completely legitimate phenomenon. I honestly have difficulty stringing sentences together sometimes and struggle to find common's word search? Tape measurer. Yep..couldn't for the life of me think of what that handy device was called. Luckily Bert has gotten good at filling in the blanks when I desperately ask for "that know that THINGY!!

Rhea just woke from her afternoon nap and is sitting on my lap happily pushing the right and left click buttons on the computer. Poor little bean has been teething (or so we think given her normally super sweet disposition has given way to crabby and uncomfortable) but she woke from her nap looking like the baby I know and love...all full body smiles and drooly kisses. I have decided there is nothing more sweet than a contented baby sitting in your lap while you write. Course she is using the camera as a teething toy...probably time to stop writing about mothering and get back to it!


grammy said...

From grammy's point of view, what a wonderful page to wake up to this morning - Rhea Sue's mamablog :) You can be sure I'll be reading this EVERY DAY!! Love it! And love that little girl!

Paula P. said...

So glad you liked it! I'm going to do my best to keep it up! Love you.