It is Saturday evening and we have just gotten our exhausted and sun kissed girl down for the night. The few hours before my own bedtime stretch out before me...full of the promise of the ability to do whatever I feel like. I have that satisfied feeling of knowing my girl is snug in bed and I will have a little bit of quiet downtime...however I always seem to find myself spending this "quiet time" missing my boisterous girl, thinking back on all the cute things she did throughout the day, and sifting through her pictures or trying to write an entry here. Ironic isn't it.
Tonight all of that "quiet time" spent missing the "not so quiet time" led me back to reflecting on what a full and wonderful week we had together.
We began our week at a baby shower for Annees and Ashi which was hosted by the very talented Ken and Naomi. Those two really know how to throw a family friendly bash and by the time we left we were filled with good eats (including a bagful of treats to take home with us), good stories, fond memories of the days of old and the realization that as fun as those old days were..nothing really compares to the perfection of the here and now.

Early in the week Rhea and I spent some quality time with Shannon and her little girl Havana. Those days with Shannon were good for both of us...good adult company for me and lots of power walking to help soothe little Havana's difficult gut. Shannon is inspiring in her mothering...level headed and compassionate while managing a little baby that needs so much soothing. I'm glad Havana found her way to Shannon who has the ability to remain steady as a rock while maintaining a sense of humor about it all. She knows these challenging times will pass and that her little girl is going to come out on the other side of all these growing pains one tough cookie.
Midweek Rhea and I spent with each other...playing with her toys, taking walks through the neighborhood, and lots of tackling of the cats. During Rhea's naps I tried to slowly chip away at the housecleaning. It is challenging to try to manage an increasingly mobile baby, her need to be by my side most always (finally hit a bit of that separation anxiety), and the never ending chores that seem to multiply inexplicably. I honestly cannot figure out how two adults and one small child can generate so much mess. Mind boggling. That said by Thursday night the house was straightened the carpets vacuumed and the kitchen cleaned and I felt as if all was right with the world.
Yesterday Rhea and I hosted a "playdate" with Monica and her little baby Maslen and Shannon and Havana. It was a dreary rainy day and the flat felt cozy and warm filled with babies, tea and homemade goodies brought by Monica. We spent most of the day together and the babies took turns eating sleeping and playing. Rhea
loves babies...and she pretty much wanted to express that sentiment with as much excitement as she does with the cats. Needless to say I was extremely diligent with the monitoring and Rhea (much to her frustration) was given countless tutorials on what it actually means to be soft and gentle. She looks like such a big girl in this picture...she was so smitten with Maslen (and he with her).
And today...we spent a relaxing day at Catherine's soaking in both the sun and the tangible amount of love Catherine has for all of us. John, Hai Nhu and Evelyn met us there and we were joined by another family a little later in the day. Rhea, true to form, was the first one in the pool and stayed in there until I started to get concerned that her skin would wrinkle right off. She is like a little polar bear cub...loving the cold water and fearless in her pursuit of fun.
I am signing off basking in the feeling of absolute contentment. It truly is a beautiful life.