Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dum dum dum dum dum dumadum dum dum dumadum dum....

While I'm busy percolating a more substantial post (don't think I haven't noticed Rhea's 10 month birthday occurred this week...) I will leave you all with some fun pictures of our highly successful Sunday brunch.

It was a wonderful day which acted as the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. What camel you ask? Well the camel that has been carrying all the holiday good cheer I have been trying to keep at bay at least until after Halloween. Somehow this gathering felt like holiday party foreshadowing...and anyone that knows anything about made-for-tv movies or fluff novels knows that you pay careful attention to foreshadowing...or else you will wind up on the wrong end of some otherwise avoidable catastrophe. It could be a crazy chainsaw carrying loony...a conniving murder plot...or not having the appropriate Thanksgiving place setting ornaments (you know the ones that carry a fall theme but will still look appropriate on your Christmas tree the following week) see where I am going with this. It would be reckless of me NOT to unleash the holiday cheer. You are all forewarned.

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