As I sat at our Thanksgiving table surrounded by some of our dearest friends...Rhea perched in her high chair beside me feasting on her first Thanksgiving dinner...I was struck with the certainty that she will always be loved and supported by these people...our somewhat rag tag (and fabulous) created family.
We have adopted a tradition of going around the table and sharing with each other some of what we feel thankful always brings a fair amount of groans before we begin...but as we get rolling and people start sharing it quickly becomes my favorite part of the day. All sentimentality aside...there is a tangible power in the collective thankfulness.
When it came time for my turn to share I felt so overcome with it all that I could barely get into words how much that very moment, my life, and those that touch it mean to me. I happened to be nursing Rhea when the baton (well a wrapping paper roll we were using to magnify our voices and provide some comic relief) came my way. As I held her in my arms and looked around the table I worked through that tongue tied feeling and did my best to share. I'm not sure if the words came out perfectly or if the magnitude of my gratitude was properly expressed...I just know that I felt loved and understood and completely content. And for that...I am thankful.
... and we too gave Thanksgiving thanks for family and friends near and far away... all of you had a presence with us!!
Paula, did you really mean for me to see that picture of Rhea?? I see her eating cookies... hurrah! I can start baking cookies... and get ready for Christmas. (Don't tell me those weren't cookies, Paula!!!)
haha...nope...not cookies. In fact those were organic wheat free gluten free rice and seed crackers. So put the cookie sheet down...well actually you can make cookies for the rest of us! xxx
Please pick up the cookies sheet and start baking!! don/t forget the brownie pan!!!
If it looks like a cookie, smells like a cookie, it must be a cookie!! Rhea shouldn't be fooled like this... she needs REAL cookies. Glad you agree with me, Bert! hahahaha!
Hmmm... too bad I can't post a photo of Paula scraping the cookie bowl... hmmmm...
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