Thursday, June 19, 2008

Papa's Day!

Well I know this post is just a wee bit late....but I figured as long as it happened before the week was up then I was doing pretty good. Lets just say it has been Papa week in these parts!

It is hard to believe a year has passed since Bert's first Papa's day!

We have all changed so much over this past year...growing...physically and emotionally, individually and as a name and it has changed. But perhaps the most rewarding change of all (and one that I have had the pleasure of having a front row seat for) has been the beautiful and ever evolving Papa/Daughter relationship.

I knew before we even decided to get pregnant that Bert would be the most amazing father...he is loving and nurturing, generous and sincere, has an amazing sense of humor and an almost unreal capacity for love. Yet somehow, even knowing all of these things, I was still blown away with the dedication he has brought to this most important of jobs. I was not prepared for the magnitude of love I would feel when Rhea went bounding into his arms or the joy that the two of them laughing together could bring me. Rhea truly loves her Papa...and not only does she love him, but she trusts him wholeheartedly. She knows her Papa is going to be there for her lovingly, consistently and predictably...which is quite frankly the most important thing you can do for your child.

I decided to compile and share some of my favorite moments from the past year...capturing a picture from each month. This is somewhat of a lengthy post...but given all of the pictures it is pretty light reading :)

June 07...Papa and Rhea lying on the bed in the spare room endlessly blowing the mobile hanging above them. This is a job that takes patience, perseverance, and a good set of lungs.

July 07: This photo was taken by Bert on his cell phone and captures the oh so precious moment that occurs right after he arrives home from work. You can see how tickled they both are to be together again.

August 07: Rhea and her Papa during a visit to Eddie's Mom Janene. It was a beautiful and special day in which Bert was able to share his love of being a parent with another parent that had been so important to him growing up.

September 07: While this looks like a beautiful warm day the sunshine is a bit deceptive...Rhea has inherited a tolerance for cold water that will serve her well when she finally gets old enough to get out on a surf board.

October 07: Here they are playing at that crazy lil' pumpkin patch (where we actually just celebrated Milo's 4th birthday...more pictures to come of that adventure when I get my hands on some)! Rhea was just starting to really toddle around and required lots of hands on to keep her from careening off of various mini structures such as school buses and log cabins.

November 07: I just love this shot...I think Bert looks so handsome. Maybe this is just a gratuitous hot Papa shot. Hubba Hubba.

December 07: This one was taken at Rhea's first birthday party....this is Rhea running (and you have to remember running at this point involved lots and lots of effort on her part) down the hall to give her Papa a hug. I honestly get a little teary when I see how much love is on Bert's face.

January 08: This one speaks for itself...

February 08: I could put together an entire album of these types of pictures...the ones where Bert is holding the camera in front of the two of them. I'm sure this was taken on one of the early morning weekends when Papa was letting this tired ol' Mama catch some extra Z's.

March 08: Papa and Rhea on the beach in Pescadero. This girl is so fearless when it comes to water and has no problem getting sandy, dirty and freezing cold all in her pursuit of the ocean. She makes her Papa proud and her Mama very diligent!

April 08: Now I know this one is not a Papa/Daughter shot...but this is Rhea at the farmers market an early Saturday morning outing she takes with her Papa. There is something so "Papa" about this as you see this tiny little girl weaving in and out of the crowd happy as a clam.

May 08: This is Papa and Rhea with the exact same expression, same gesture, and same longing for a salami sandwich. This was the house we stayed in while vacationing in Santa Cruz with Josie and Alex...what fun that was!

June 08: Lastly the girl and her Papa at a Fathers Day baseball game! It was a picture perfect day enjoyed by all and Rhea weathered her first (of many I'm sure) game with excitement and good humor. She has a mouth full of strawberries in this shot which is why she looks a bit crazy. I love that Bert has his glove on in this shot...and that he really hoped he would be "bringing home a ball" for his girl that day.

All this reminiscing reminds me to give thanks for the life we have together and the love we share. I look forward to the year ahead and can only imagine the adventures we will find there...

I love you Papa and Rhea, Mama


grammy said...

... and we love you all!

Bert said...

how can I get any work done when all I want to do is read this over and over?

Hai-Nhu said...

What a sweet posting! Love the retrospective from last Father's Day til this one...