Dear Rhea Sue,
Oh my sweet girl...what a month we have had with each other. As I write this, you are snug in your little nest of a bed on a rainy Friday morning. Though you are feeling the affects of an autumn have still managed to brighten my morning simply by being.

This past month has been filled with changes and growth and as I try to distill this down to a manageable summary, I think it is best described as a month full of new connections. It's as if so many things just all of sudden started to make sense for you. This ability to make new connections seems to have happened across all areas of your life. You have new ways to connect with the people you love, your cats, and your own happy world of climbing and dismantling and mastering. To watch you tackle each new idea that comes into your head with such ferocity and intent is really inspiring. If I put a fraction of the effort you pour into learning to turn on a light switch or trying to climb the bookshelf into the areas of my life that need some attention...I would probably have a doctorate and be giving lectures instead of trying to ignore the CEU classes I'm supposed to be taking.

You are one tough little cookie and you often have the bruises to show for it. Your Papa and I joke about your rough and tumble nature (most of the jokes centered around how much of a Papa's girl you are in this respect) and I often find myself somewhere between amazed at your abilities and impressed at your skill, to petrified at the many tumbles you take on the road to perfection. I do my best to keep any over the top reactions on my part out of the equation...but it is a fine line between helping you understand what is dangerous and encouraging you to stretch your physical limits. Then there is the part where I get to watch you experience the natural consequences of all that stretching. I haven't seen any gray hairs yet...but I expect they will probably hit all at once. I'm hoping for a nice hip pattern..perhaps a snow white shock right at my part.
A few highlights of the month:
Dancing! You do this little bouncing at the knees dance when you hear music these fact I caught you doing it yesterday when a car with especially loud bass went thumping by out on the street (Urban living at it's best...worst?).

Yelling! We helped Naomi celebrate her birthday was a fun early dinner at a pizzeria and we were surrounded by happy LOUD children. You were quiet during dinner as if you were taking it all in...but the minute we got you into the car you yelled the whole way home. You were so pleased with your new found skill that you yelled through your bath, through your bedtime routine and two hours past your bedtime you were still rolling around the bed happily yelling. It was quite a night...and you still love yourself some yelling.

Reading! You have found the wonder of have favorite books with favorite pages and squeal your delight when the fuzzy little kitten predictably asks you to feel his soft fur. It is honestly a joy to watch you discover books and some of my favorite moments include our time before bed when you are sitting heavy with exhaustion in my lap helping me turn the pages of your nighttime stories.
Snuggling! There has been a shift...though it is hard to find the right words...lets just say you have become a little bit more of a snuggle bunny. Nursing for comfort not just because you are hungry and seeking out the warmth and safety of our arms when things seem just a little too hectic.
Rhea, as always, I am struck with the beauty that is you. I still find myself marveling that you are ours...that you are our daughter. We are so very lucky.