Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

What a celebratory week it has been! Starting with our first trip to the little neighborhood pumpkin patch earlier in the week followed by our group pilgrimage to the mother of all pumpkin patches in Half Moon Bay with John, Hai Nhu and Evelyn and Ken, Naomi and Milo on Sunday. Hai Nhu captures all the day so nicely in her post which you can read here. I will say it was great fun and Rhea could barely contain her excitement at being out in the "country". She loved it all...the goats, the ponies, the birds, the pumpkins and the excitement of the playground.

Today was Halloween proper which we celebrated with a baby party at Monica's. This Halloween brought with it a couple of firsts...

Well of course there was Rhea's first costume...and I'm not sure if you can tell from this picture but the reason she looks so intent is she is carefully standing on her own. Now this isn't quite a first, but the length of time she stood...shifting her weight and finding her balance was the longest ever. All of this standing and balancing led up to her REAL first which were the unassisted steps/lunging she later took towards her Papa. Of course she would choose to try out walking when all dressed up at a party.

It's funny...Rhea's sleep has been extremely screwy the past few nights...she has been waking up at 5:00 a.m. and this morning she was up at 4:30!!! or should I say (@!*#!!) Those of you who have been reading this blog from the beginning might recall my revelation that when Rhea has an especially difficult time sleeping, she is usually brewing up some kind of new skill. Perhaps the prolonged difficulty with sleep she has been having this week is because walking is such a HUGE undertaking. And while these first little steps are amazingly exciting...I find myself hoping she will hurry up and master this skill because honestly this whole crack of dawn thing is growing tiresome.

Of course my minor complaints aside I can truthfully say that the weary to the bone feeling fades into the background when we have this little love to show for all our hard work.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Birds eye view.....

Rhea's favorite spot these days is her perch atop the creaky old desk chair in the office. A spot that allows her optimal viewing of all the happenings below. I remember when we first moved to Haight St. being equally fascinated with this view...we used to call it watching "Haight T.V." and we would spend hours hanging out, talking, and laughing at the craziness of Haight St.

The novelty eventually wore off and we looked out the window less and less...actually wishing it would slow down out there and tiring of the never ending freak show that is our neighborhood.

Rhea has brought back the joy in looking and again I find myself spending endless time reflecting on the world below...we yell to the birds, bang on the window to try and get Gus's attention at the produce store, and watch the buses zoom by. I am constantly narrating the scene below and have to wonder what she makes of the perspective of all those "little" people.

All these fun endeavors aside, our favorite window activity is saying goodbye to Papa at the back door then rushing to the front of the house to wave goodbye as he rides off on his bike to start his workday. We say "bye-bye Papa...come home soon to us"...and he always does.

Monday, October 29, 2007

This one is for Grammy....

Grammy had left a comment on one of my previous entries requesting a video of Rhea in all her yelling glory. This one captures the spirit of her vocalization pretty well. You all also will have the added bonus of checking out her crazy groovy outfit. A care package from Grammy arrived and she is "trying on" some items right over her new PJ's. That girl can pull anything off!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Archy Bonker

Rhea has always been a baby ahead of her time...she held her head up early, sat early, crawled early, pulled herself up early...cripes she was BORN with a tooth! Seems like since the day she was born we have been marveling (as you all know having read about all that marveling) at her skill and the depth of her determination to master new things. I think we once thought that all of these early developmental markers were a sign of her superior physical prowesses...tangible proof of her smashing good genes. While I am still sure the girl has a solid genetic makeup...I am more inclined to think that all of these before her time skills are more likely the direct result of an iron clad will.

aka: she is stubborn as hell. I know..surprise surprise.

Our girl knows what she wants and when she wants it. It's the getting it that she sometimes struggles with. She is single minded in her pursuit of whatever it is she is pursing and god help the person, cat, pillow, lint (you name it), that comes between her and her intended path. She is a little bulldozer and if you try and intercept her mid task (such as her knocking the cat water over for the umpteenth time, or trying to sample the dry cat food) she will immediately squeal...arch her back in an attempt to wiggle out of your arms...and throw her head back with such immediacy and force that she bonks it at least 45% of the time. Her frustrated complaining then turns to the real cry of a baby with a hurt head...which really is heartbreaking.

I keep thinking she will learn that when she arches her back well then she hits her head and therefore she should probably cut back a bit on all that flailing. You know the ol' if A than B scenario. But I think she attributes the head bonking more to whoever or whatever has intervened with her desires (which nine out of ten times is of course me) than with anything she herself is doing. Least that's the way it seems when she looks at me all mad and pathetic with those accusing tear filled eyes.

We now affectionately call her Archy Bonker...a nickname, with the above description as background, I do believe speaks for itself.

Honestly though, I wouldn't trade any of it..not even a bit....because the sound of her happy squeal when she pulls off something like this.....

Just makes it all make sense.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fall is here....

It was a glorious fall day today...simply inspiring weather. And what were we inspired to do you might ask?

Why visit the pumpkin patch of course! Rhea was in pumpkin heaven...dirt, straw, lots of other kids, and most importantly...big ol' Turkeys she could talk to. She enjoyed it so much we promptly made plans to make a trip down south to a "real" pumpkin patch this weekend. More pictures to follow I am sure.

Friday, October 12, 2007

10 months...

Dear Rhea Sue,

Oh my sweet girl...what a month we have had with each other. As I write this, you are snug in your little nest of a bed on a rainy Friday morning. Though you are feeling the affects of an autumn have still managed to brighten my morning simply by being.

This past month has been filled with changes and growth and as I try to distill this down to a manageable summary, I think it is best described as a month full of new connections. It's as if so many things just all of sudden started to make sense for you. This ability to make new connections seems to have happened across all areas of your life. You have new ways to connect with the people you love, your cats, and your own happy world of climbing and dismantling and mastering. To watch you tackle each new idea that comes into your head with such ferocity and intent is really inspiring. If I put a fraction of the effort you pour into learning to turn on a light switch or trying to climb the bookshelf into the areas of my life that need some attention...I would probably have a doctorate and be giving lectures instead of trying to ignore the CEU classes I'm supposed to be taking.

You are one tough little cookie and you often have the bruises to show for it. Your Papa and I joke about your rough and tumble nature (most of the jokes centered around how much of a Papa's girl you are in this respect) and I often find myself somewhere between amazed at your abilities and impressed at your skill, to petrified at the many tumbles you take on the road to perfection. I do my best to keep any over the top reactions on my part out of the equation...but it is a fine line between helping you understand what is dangerous and encouraging you to stretch your physical limits. Then there is the part where I get to watch you experience the natural consequences of all that stretching. I haven't seen any gray hairs yet...but I expect they will probably hit all at once. I'm hoping for a nice hip pattern..perhaps a snow white shock right at my part.

A few highlights of the month:

Dancing! You do this little bouncing at the knees dance when you hear music these fact I caught you doing it yesterday when a car with especially loud bass went thumping by out on the street (Urban living at it's best...worst?).

Yelling! We helped Naomi celebrate her birthday was a fun early dinner at a pizzeria and we were surrounded by happy LOUD children. You were quiet during dinner as if you were taking it all in...but the minute we got you into the car you yelled the whole way home. You were so pleased with your new found skill that you yelled through your bath, through your bedtime routine and two hours past your bedtime you were still rolling around the bed happily yelling. It was quite a night...and you still love yourself some yelling.

Reading! You have found the wonder of have favorite books with favorite pages and squeal your delight when the fuzzy little kitten predictably asks you to feel his soft fur. It is honestly a joy to watch you discover books and some of my favorite moments include our time before bed when you are sitting heavy with exhaustion in my lap helping me turn the pages of your nighttime stories.

Snuggling! There has been a shift...though it is hard to find the right words...lets just say you have become a little bit more of a snuggle bunny. Nursing for comfort not just because you are hungry and seeking out the warmth and safety of our arms when things seem just a little too hectic.

Rhea, as always, I am struck with the beauty that is you. I still find myself marveling that you are ours...that you are our daughter. We are so very lucky.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dum dum dum dum dum dumadum dum dum dumadum dum....

While I'm busy percolating a more substantial post (don't think I haven't noticed Rhea's 10 month birthday occurred this week...) I will leave you all with some fun pictures of our highly successful Sunday brunch.

It was a wonderful day which acted as the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. What camel you ask? Well the camel that has been carrying all the holiday good cheer I have been trying to keep at bay at least until after Halloween. Somehow this gathering felt like holiday party foreshadowing...and anyone that knows anything about made-for-tv movies or fluff novels knows that you pay careful attention to foreshadowing...or else you will wind up on the wrong end of some otherwise avoidable catastrophe. It could be a crazy chainsaw carrying loony...a conniving murder plot...or not having the appropriate Thanksgiving place setting ornaments (you know the ones that carry a fall theme but will still look appropriate on your Christmas tree the following week) see where I am going with this. It would be reckless of me NOT to unleash the holiday cheer. You are all forewarned.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sunday with the Grandparents...

Rhea woke to an early morning call with her Grammy. Watching her listen to her Grammy on the phone is heartbreakingly cute. First comes the recognition of the voice streaming through the phone and next comes her insisting on looking at the phone as if to figure out where exactly her Grammy is.

Then after her first nap we jetted off to San Rafael to visit her Nana and Grandpa. Grandpa Bob made a delicious lunch of BLT's with heirloom tomatoes and fancy pancetta. Rhea's favorite activity of the day consisted of trying to rouse the cat from it's sunny spot in the garden. Here is a picture of Rhea joining in the feast by snacking on an apple picked right out of the yard.

It was a very tasty day.