Tuesday...It has been a trying couple of weeks...I have been doing my best to keep my spirits in check, but after our third trip to the pediatrician to assess Rhea's ongoing mystery spots...I'm feeling a bit discouraged.
Rhea's killer cold turned into a chronic runny nose which morphed into a runny nose with suspiciously chicken pox-esque spots. Her runny nose finally cleared up yesterday (after three weeks mind you) but was replaced in the middle of the night by a pretty good fever. Hence the trip back to the doctor's today. Rhea was not impressed by all the opening and closing of her mouth...the swabbing...the poking into her ears...and the homeopathic tincture squirted at her after she was finally calming down from all the aforementioned doctoring.
I could literally feel my heart starting to crack and my very rehearsed and deliberate "calm Mama act" was beginning to fray. I thought I was going to start crying myself and was pretty sure that our pediatrician wasn't really getting it...that Rhea was never this upset...she must have something super duper wrong with her. Our doctor, perhaps reading my not so subtle signs of impending meltdown, did take that moment to assure us that while her symptoms were puzzling and difficult to identify the root of, that our baby, while clearly sick and feeling terrible, was not was not a "dangerously ill child". Hmph. Says who? (I know...I know...says the DOCTOR)
They diagnosed a very intense sore throat (red enough to check for strep which was negative)...and the spots? Well lord knows...could be an extra persistent and atypical case of hand foot and mouth, or just Rhea's little body doing it's best to clear her system of a virus.
I swear I had a little PTSD moment when our Doctor pulled out the swab for the strep test. I spent a good amount of time dealing with strep in my youth so I know exactly what that swap feels like...looking all deceptively soft with the cotton end but feeling like a hot poker on your throat. Poor little girl...is it possible to somehow pass on a predisposition to sore throats? Great...wacky teeth and more than her fair share of sore throats...that will be my legacy for the girl.
Ok...all drama aside, I now realize that the only thing worse than being sick yourself...is not being able to immediately take away the sick of your child.
Well the girl does seem to be on the mend...her fever went away by Wednesday and though we had several very sleepless nights, last night was much better. I can't tell what her throat is doing but she seems much more herself. I will leave you all with photographic proof of her recovery.
Here she is early in the week...all crazy haired and looking logy.
And here she is as of yesterday...sporting her "I'm not doing anything I'm not supposed to" look when she hears me say "Rhea...what are you doing???"
1 comment:
...she needs her grammy! Poor lamb!
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