What a wonderful day...a welcome break mid week and a special treat having Papa home with us. We enjoyed an amazing day with Catherine and her family, John, Hai Nhu and Evelyn and our Australian visitor
Timmy. The day was hot hot hot and though Rhea got off to a bit of a rocky start (she either had a minor cold or was teething) it ended up being a fun filled day of sun, swimming, lazing about and generally just enjoying one another's company.
This photo sums up the day beautifully I think...Evelyn and Rhea heady with sweet baby love for each other...Rhea really loves Evelyn (and everything Evelyn does) and I think the feeling is mutual.

These pictures were taken in a tent that Catherine had set up beside the pool...providing a soft place for the babies to crawl around and some much needed respite from the sun...as you can see from this next picture it wasn't just the babies who loved this arrangement.

After a long afternoon of sunning, swimming and snacking...Rhea took a ride in a Mexican baby hammock hung from the rafters in the sun porch...it is a beautiful handwoven hammock that Catherine swung so high I felt butterflies in my stomach...but Rhea loved it.

And as the afternoon was winding down we all sat in the cooler great room of the house and listened to Timmy playing the piano....
By the end of the day we were all hopelessly relaxed and feeling the warm skinned jelly limbed feeling I associate with long summer days. It know this first 4th of July with Evelyn and Rhea will remain a warm memory of these early baby days and our growing families.
What a wonderful description of our 4th of July. It was such a relaxing day
Oh my god! Was Bert naked in the tent as well!?
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